Popis: |
У статті проаналізовано соціальні аспекти життя західно- й південнослов’янських спільнот на шляху формування ринкової економіки та становлення демократії в дзеркалі навчальної літератури для вищих навчальних закладів України. Встановлено, що, попри фрагментарність звернень до соціальної історії, вони виявляються необхідними для розкриття драматизму доби. Обґрунтовується теза, що інвазії у предметно-тематичне коло соціальної історії досліджуваних спільнот мали як прикладний, так і науковий характер. The slavic community played and still is playing a significant role in forming European civilization and the geopolitical situation on the continent. The purpose of the study is to reveal the scientific and methodological foundations and the basic tendencies in its coverage in the educational literature for Ukrainian higher educational institutions devoted to the social history of the Western and South Slavic communities of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) during the postsocialist era (1991–2000s). The research method of historiographical analysis was mainly applied to the set of the given textbooks. The author strongly opines that the evolution and diversity of societies and public relations hold the priority within the extreme diversity of areas in the recent interpretation of the issues such as gender history, labor history, history of memory, family history, urban studies, history of everyday life, etc. The author concludes that the issues that the national and regional challenges Slavic communities faced with were mostly neglected by the authors of the textbooks. The evolution of Slavic states is depicted through the reproduction of political processes, whereas some aspects of social life are still reflected in the books for the higher educational institutions. For instance, such concerns as revolutions of 1989–1991, the social toll caused by the rejection of the “socialist choice”, the reflection of the general situation of instability and change, the state of social consciousness, the problems of refugees, the reflection of the socio-psychological aspects of ethnic-social conflicts and the elucidation of their roots, and the human economic activity were highlighted in the textbooks. The reflection of the history of Slavic communities is important to analyze when illustrating the dramatic nature of the transitive era and the subsequent historical time in the life of the Slavic communities of the region. The diversity of interpretations of the social life is complex and reflects ambiguous views on the historical transformations that national collectives of the European continent have undergone during the contemporary era. Given this the scientific and methodological content of educational editions are corrected continuously year after the year, therefore, the dynanic transformation also constitutes a priority for further scientific study. |