Spontaneous Urinary Voiding of a Metallic Implant After Operative Fixation of the Pubic Symphysis

Autor: Eddy A. Heldeweg, Jan M. Ultee, Rudolf W. Poolman, Martin J. Heetveld
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. 86:645-646
ISSN: 0021-9355
Popis: To The Editor: With great interest, we read “Spontaneous Urinary Voiding of a Metallic Implant After Operative Fixation of the Pubic Symphysis. A Case Report” (2003;85:1129-32), by Fridman et al. We described a similar case of a patient who voided a screw nine years after internal fixation of diastasis of the pubic symphysis1. The Advanced Trauma Life Support program advises doctors to perform a retrograde urethrogram in patients in whom urologic injury is suspected2. Did the authors make a retrograde urethrogram or cystogram at presentation after the initial trauma to diagnose an injury to the ureter or bladder? In a review of urethral injuries after pelvic fractures in females, Perry and Husmann reported that 50% of urethral injuries were missed because of inadequate urologic assessment3. The initial bladder injury may have been caused by the trauma itself, but bladder herniation within the symphysis or iatrogenic injury are also possibilities4. Did the authors consider performing a cystogram to diagnose a fistula tract to the osteosynthesis material? In the case that we presented, a cystogram revealed a fistula from the anterior part of the bladder to … Corresponding author: Monik Fridman, MD Department of Orthopaedics Hospital Sao Lucas Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul-PUCRS Avenida Ipiranga 6690, Porto Alegre, RS Brazil 90610-000 mfridman{at}uol.com.br
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