RadiaBeam/SLAC Dechirper as a Passive Deflector

Autor: Novokhatski, Alexander, Brachmann, Axel, Dal Forno, Massimo, Dolgashev, Valery, Fisher, Alan, Guetg, Marc, Huang, Zhirong, Iverson, Richard, Krejcik, Patrick, Lutman, Alberto, Maxwell, Timothy, Zemella, Johann
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ipac2016-mopow046
Popis: We discuss the possibility of using the RadiBeam/SLAC dechirper recently installed at LCLS for measuring the bunch length of very short bunches, less than 1 fs perhaps as short as 100 atto second. When a bunch travels close to one of the jaws the particles of the bunch get a transverse kick depends upon the position of a particle in a bunch. The tail particles get more kick. The transverse force also gets a nonlinear dependence on the transverse position. The stretched bunch can be measured at the YAG screen that is 100 m downstream the dechirper. The most important aspect of this measurement is that that no synchronization is needed. The Green's function for the transverse kick was evaluated based on the precise wake field calculations of the dechirper corrugated structure*. Using this function we can restore the longitudinal shape of the bunch. This may also help to see if a bunch has any micro-bunch structure.
Proceedings of the 7th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf., IPAC2016, Busan, Korea
Databáze: OpenAIRE