[Molecular mechanisms of the cardiotoxic action of anthracycline antibiotics and statin-induced cytoprotective reactions of cardiomyocytes]

Autor: M G Klinnikova, E.L. Lushnikova, O.A. Babenko, N.V. Tursunova
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Biomeditsinskaia khimiia. 66(5)
ISSN: 2310-6972
Popis: The manifestation of the side cardiotoxic effect of anthracycline antibiotics limits their use in the treatment of malignant processes in some patients. The review analyzes the main causes of the susceptibility of cardiomyocytes to the damaging effect of anthracyclines, primarily associated with an increase in the processes of free radical oxidation. Currently, research is widely carried out to find ways to reduce anthracycline cardiotoxicity, in particular, the use of cardioprotective agents in the complex treatment of tumors. Hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) have been shown to improve the function and metabolism of the cardiovascular system under various pathological impacts, therefore, it is proposed to use them to reduce cardiotoxic complications of chemotherapy. Statins exhibit direct (hypolipidemic) and pleiotropic effects due to the blockade of mevalonic acid synthesis and downward biochemical cascades that determine their cardioprotective properties. The main point of intersection of the pharmacological activity of anthracyclines and statins is the ability of both to regulate the functioning of small GTPase from the Rho family, and their effect in this regard is the opposite. The influence of statins on the modification and membrane dislocation of Rho proteins mediates the indirect antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, endothelioprotective, antiapoptotic effect. The mechanism of statin inhibition of doxorubicin blockade of the DNA-topoisomerase complex, which may be important in preventing cardiotoxic damage during chemotherapy, is discussed. At the same time, it should be noted that the use of statins can be accompanied by adverse side effects: a provocation of increased insulin resistance and glucose tolerance, which often causes them to be canceled in patients with impaired carbohydrate metabolism, so further studies are needed here. The review also analyzes data on the antitumor effect of statins, their ability to sensitize the tumor to treatment with cytostatic drug. It has been shown that the relationship between anthracycline antibiotics and statins is characterized not only by antagonism, but also in some cases by synergism. Despite some adverse effects, statins are one of the most promising cardio- and vasoprotectors for use in anthracycline cardiomyopathy.Proiavlenie pobochnogo kardiotoksicheskogo deĭstviia antratsiklinovykh antibiotikov ogranichivaet ikh primenenie pri lechenii zlokachestvennykh protsessov u nekotorykh patsientov. V obzore proanalizirovany osnovnye prichiny vospriimchivosti kardiomiotsitov k povrezhdaiushchemu deĭstviiu antratsiklinov, sviazannye v pervuiu ochered' s usileniem protsessov svobodnoradikal'nogo okisleniia. V nastoiashchee vremia shiroko provodiatsia issledovatel'skie raboty po poisku puteĭ snizheniia antratsiklinovoĭ kardiotoksichnosti, v chastnosti, ispol'zovanie v kompleksnom lechenii zlokachestvennykh novoobrazovaniĭ kardioprotektornykh sredstv. Pokazano, chto ingibitory gidroksi-metilglutaril-koénzim-A-reduktazy (statiny) uluchshaiut funktsional'no-metabolicheskoe sostoianie serdechno-sosudistoĭ sistemy pri razlichnykh patologicheskikh vozdeĭstviiakh, poétomu predlagaetsia ispol'zovat' ikh dlia snizheniia kardiotoksicheskikh oslozhneniĭ khimioterapii. Statiny proiavliaiut priamye (gipolipidemicheskie) i pleĭotropnye éffekty, obuslovlennye blokadoĭ sinteza mevalonovoĭ kisloty i niskhodiashchimi biokhimicheskimi kaskadami, kotorye opredeliaiut ikh kardioprotektornye svoĭstva. Glavnoĭ tochkoĭ peresecheniia farmakologicheskoĭ aktivnosti antratsiklinov i statinov iavliaetsia sposobnost' tekh i drugikh regulirovat' funktsionirovanie malykh GTPaz semeĭstva Rho, i éffekt ikh v étom otnoshenii okazyvaetsia protivopolozhnym. Vliianie statinov na modifikatsiiu i membrannuiu dislokatsiiu Rho-belkov oposreduet ikh nepriamoe antioksidantnoe, protivovospalitel'noe, éndotelioprotektivnoe, antiapoptoticheskoe deĭstvie. Obsuzhdaetsia mekhanizm ingibirovaniia statinami doksorubitsinovoĭ blokady DNK-topoizomeraznogo kompleksa, kotoryĭ mozhet imet' vazhnoe znachenie dlia preduprezhdeniia kardiotoksicheskikh povrezhdeniĭ pri provedenii khimioterapii. Vmeste s tem, sleduet otmetit', chto ispol'zovanie statinov mozhet soprovozhdat'sia neblagopriiatnymi pobochnymi éffektami: provokatsieĭ usileniia insulinorezistentnosti i tolerantnosti k gliukoze, chto zachastuiu stanovitsia prichinoĭ ikh otmeny u patsientov s narusheniiami uglevodnogo obmena, poétomu zdes' neobkhodimy dal'neĭshie issledovaniia. Analiz dannykh po protivoopukholevomu deĭstviiu statinov, ikh sposobnosti sensibilizirovat' opukhol' k lecheniiu tsitostatikami pokazal, chto otnosheniia mezhdu antratsiklinovymi antibiotikami i statinami kharakterizuiutsia ne tol'ko antagonizmom, no i v otdel'nykh sluchaiakh sinergizmom. Nesmotria na nekotorye neblagopriiatnye éffekty, statiny iavliaiutsia odnimi iz naibolee perspektivnykh kardio- i vazoprotektorov dlia primeneniia v usloviiakh antratsiklinovoĭ kardiomiopatii.
Databáze: OpenAIRE