Povezanost obilježja privatnih šumoposjednika s razinom njihove aktivnosti u okrupnjavanju šumoposjeda

Autor: Božić, Mario, Andabaka, Marijana, Vedriš, Mislav, Goršić, Ernest, Teslak, Krunoslav
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Šumarski list
Volume 146
Issue 1-2
ISSN: 1846-9140
DOI: 10.31298/sl.146.1-2.1
Popis: Većina privatnih šumoposjednika u Hrvatskoj ima šumoposjed manji od 1 ha, što predstavlja značajan ograničavajući čimbenik u gospodarenju šumama. Cilj ovoga rada je ispitati povezanost sociodemografskih značajki šumoposjednika i obilježja šumoposjeda s razinom zainteresiranosti šumoposjednika za kupnju, zamjenu ili prodaju čestica pod šumom, u svrhu okrupnjavanja i povećanja suvislosti posjeda. Neposrednim anketiranjem ispitano je 500 šumoposjednika na području kontinentalne Hrvatske. Za dobivene podatke napravljena je statistička deskriptivna obrada, te izračunate mjere korelacije i testiranje razlika pojedinih kategorija. Rezultati ukazuju na jasnu povezanost sociodemografski, regionalnih i drugih obilježja šumoposjednika s razinom zainteresiranosti za okrupnjavanje šumoposjeda. Tipičan šumoposjednik zainteresiran za povećanje šumoposjeda je muškarac mlađi od 50 godina, sa završenom srednjom školom ili fakultetom, iz središnje Hrvatske koji je svoj posjed stekao kupnjom i već je aktivan bilo u udrugama šumoposjednika, bilo da koristi savjetodavne usluge Ministarstva poljoprivrede. Premali udio šumoposjednika zainteresiranih za prodaju šumoposjeda (18,9%) onemogućava daljnje okrupnjavanje. Prema tomu, mjere regulatora treba usmjeriti na proces nasljeđivanja, oprezivanje negospodarenja šumoposjedom i daljnje subvencioniranje aktivnog i disperziranog gospodarenja šumama (biomasa, nedrvni šumski proizvodi, općekorisne funkcije šuma, naknade za pohranu ugljika, naknade za ciljane vrste).
Most forest owners in Croatia have forest holdings smaller than 1 ha, while less than 1% have holdings larger than 10 ha. Parcelization of forest holdings in addition to small size presents significant limitation for forest management. Therefore, important aim of forest policy is to stimulate enlargement and consolidation of forest holdings. First step in that process is to recognize the characteristics of forest owners interested in enlargement of their holdings and active forest management.The aim of this research is to relate the sociodemographic attributes of private forest owners and characteristics of their forest holdings with their interest for selling and/or buying forest estates for enlargement and consolidation of forestland area.Direct survey questionnaire covered 500 private forest owners in continental part of Croatia. Respondents are classified by sex, education, employment, location of forest holding, activities in forest associations and means of acquisition of forest estate. Answers included level of interest for activities in enlargement and management of forest holdings. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics (arithmetic mean, median, and standard error), testing between groups (Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis test), and Spearman rank correlation.The results indicate correlation of sociodemographic, regional and other characteristics of forest owners with their interest in enlargement of forest holding. According to these results most interested in enlargement of forest holding are younger male owners from the central Croatia who purchased forest and are already active in forest associations (tables 1 and 2). Non-employed and self-employed owners are also more interested in enlargement of forest area to increase their incomes (table 1). However significant share of owners (35%) are not interested in increase nor in selling their forest (Figure 1) which is an impediment in consolidation of forest areas.The results of this study are useful for future forest policies aimed at small scale forestry, although these actions are subject to large scale restrictions due to increase of protected areas and limitations to forest management resulting from reducing carbon emissions. Therefore, state regulatory measures should aim at subsidizing active and diversified forest management (forest biomass, non-wood forest products, amenity values, credits for carbon sequestration, aimed species, biodiversity). On the other hand, law measures should improve the process of inheritance and penalize the abandonment of forest areas (sources of pests and diseases, invasive species, forest fires).
Databáze: OpenAIRE