Loop space decompositions of $$(2n-2)$$-connected $$(4n-1)$$-dimensional Poincaré Duality complexes

Autor: Ruizhi Huang, Stephen Theriault
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Research in the Mathematical Sciences. 9
ISSN: 2197-9847
Popis: Beben and Wu showed that ifMis a$$(2n-2)$$(2n-2)-connected$$(4n-1)$$(4n-1)-dimensional Poincaré Duality complex such that$$n\ge 3$$n≥3and$$H^{2n}(M;{{\mathbb {Z}}})$$H2n(M;Z)consists only of odd torsion, then$$\Omega M$$ΩMcan be decomposed up to homotopy as a product of simpler, well-studied spaces. We use a result from Beben and Theriault (Doc Math 27:183-211, 2022) to greatly simplify and enhance Beben and Wu’s work and to extend it in various directions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE