Coherence and normalisation-by-evaluation for bicategorical cartesian closed structure

Autor: Marcelo Fiore, Philip Saville
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: LICS
Fiore, M & Saville, P 2020, Coherence and normalisation-by-evaluation for bicategorical cartesian closed structure . in LICS '20: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science . New York, pp. 425–439, Thirty-Fifth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Saarbrücken, Germany, 8/07/20 .
DOI: 10.17863/cam.57511
Popis: We present two proofs of coherence for cartesian closed bicat- egories. Precisely, we show that in the free cartesian closed bicategory on a set of objects there is at most one structural 2-cell between any parallel pair of 1-cells. We thereby reduce the difficulty of constructing structure in arbitrary cartesian closed bicategories to the level of 1-dimensional category theory. Our first proof follows a traditional approach using the Yoneda lemma. For the second proof, we adapt Fiore’s categorical analysis of normalisation-by-evaluation for the simply-typed lambda calculus. Modulo the construction of suitable bicategorical structures, the argument is not signif- icantly more complex than its 1-categorical counterpart. It also opens the way for further proofs of coherence using (adaptations of) tools from categorical semantics.
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