Potential of Using Natural Resources of Manisa (Turkey) in Adventure Tourism
Autor: | Baykal Füsun, Akbaș Ferdi |
Přispěvatelé: | Tacu Harsan Georgia-Daniela, Haller Alina-Petronela, Ungureanu Danut |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 2022 |
Předmět: | |
ISSN: | 0261-4367 |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.7546860 |
Popis: | The subject and purpose of this paper is to analyze the natural attractions of the province of Manisa, where adventure tourism in Turkey can take action immediately with small initiatives. The study was prepared by two methods: qualitative research and geographical area research. Qualitative data were used by making in-depth descriptions and interpretations with the tourism geography approach, and thematic systematic flow was provided from the theory to the findings in the content. Types, components, activities and effects in adventure tourism constitutes the theoretical framework of the study. Geographical field research was carried out in the form of field observations with the competence given by the geographer identity of the authors. The design of this qualitative research is a situation analysis. The findings related to Manisa have been shaped upon the current situation and potential of adventure tourism (Spil Mountain National Park, Kula-Salihli Geopark, Gediz River, Gölmarmara Lake, hiking routes, etc.). The study has gained originality with the suggestions developed within the scope of the components, activities, appropriate areas, and research projects by synthesizing the subjects in theoretical framework with Manisa. The contribution of the study to the research region, literature and tourism geography is to reveal that adventure tourism can be more successful if it is integrated with other tourism types that intersect with it on the basis of space and activities than being implemented by itself. Indeed, the adventure tourism in Manisa has the capacity to integrate with geotourism, mountain tourism, sports tourism and exploration tourism JEL classification: Q560; Z32; L83 {"references":["Atlı, S. (2019). Manisa'da avcılık geleneği-1. 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