DUACS DT-2018: 25 years of reprocessed sea level altimeter products

Autor: Guillaume Taburet, Antonio Sanchez-Roman, Maxime Ballarotta, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, Jean-François Legeais, Florent Fournier, Yannice Faugere, Gerald Dibarboure
Rok vydání: 2019
ISSN: 1812-0792
DOI: 10.5194/os-2018-150
Popis: For more than twenty years, the multi-satellite DUACS system has been providing Near Real Time (NRT) and Delayed Time (DT) altimetric products. These data are ranging from along-track to multi-mission maps of Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) and Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT). A reprocessing of 25 years of data, namely: DUACS DT2018, has been carried out and is available through the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) and Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) since April 2018. Several changes have been implemented in the DT2018 processing in order to improve the quality of the products. New altimeter standards and geophysical corrections has been used, refined data selection has been implemented and Optimal Interpolation (OI) parameters have been reviewed for global and regional map generation. Through this paper, an extensive assessment has been carried out. The error budget associated to the DT2018 products at global and regional scales has been refined and the improvements compared with the previous version quantified (DT2014; Pujol et al., 2016). The DT2018 errors at mesoscales are reduced by nearly 3 to 4 % for global and regional products compared to the DT2014. This reduction is much more important in coastal areas (reduction is up to 10 %) where it is directly linked to the altimeter geophysical corrections used in the DT2018 processing. Conclusions are very similar concerning geostrophic currents, where error is reduced by 5 % and up to 10 % in coastal areas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE