Red-Light-Driven Water Splitting by Au(Core)–CdS(Shell) Half-Cut Nanoegg with Heteroepitaxial Junction

Autor: Hiroaki Tada, Shin-ichi Naya, Musashi Fujishima, Takahiro Kume, Ryo Akashi
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of the American Chemical Society. 140:1251-1254
ISSN: 1520-5126
Popis: A key material for artificial photosynthesis including water splitting is heteronanostructured (HNS) photocatalysts. The photocatalytic activity depends on the geometry and dimension, and the quality of junctions between the components. Here we present a half-cut Au(core)–CdS(shell) (HC-Au@CdS) nanoegg as a new HNS plasmonic photocatalyst for water splitting. UV-light irradiation of Au nanoparticle (NP)-loaded ZnO (Au/ZnO) at 50 °C induces the selective deposition of hexagonal CdS on the Au surface of Au/ZnO with an epitaxial (EPI) relation of CdS{0001}/Au{111}. The subsequent selective dissolution of the ZnO support at room temperature yields HC-Au@CdS with the Au NP size and EPI junction (#) retained. Red-light irradiation (λex = 640 nm) of HC-Au@#CdS gives rise to continuous stoichiometric water splitting with an unprecedentedly high external quantum yield of 0.24%.
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