Motivating The Independent Learner At The Arab Open University, Kuwait

Autor: Hassan A. Sharafuddin, Chekra A. Allani
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1107342
Popis: Academicians at the Arab Open University have always voiced their concern about the efficacy of the blended learning process. Based on 75% independent study and 25% face-toface tutorial, it poses the challenge of the predisposition to adjustment. Being used to the psychology of traditional educational systems, AOU students cannot be easily weaned from being spoonfed. Hence they lack the motivation to plunge into self-study. For better involvement of AOU students into the learning practices, it is imperative to diagnose the factors that impede or increase their motivation. This is conducted through an empirical study grounded upon observations and tested hypothesis and aimed at monitoring and optimizing the students' learning outcome. Recommendations of the research will follow the findings.
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