Autor: Harinakshi, D, Pradeep M., Mithun Chandra R. K
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6576344
Popis: Education plays a great role in our life. It is an important medium of acquiring knowledge. Today knowledge is power and society accept that people with more knowledge is more empowered. India was known in the world for its few oldest Universities including Thakshashila University, Nalanda University and Ujjaini University etc. India is considered to be the hub of higher education after US and China. Higher education is a level of education obtained by students after completing secondary education. Since the globalization, industrialization and advancement of Information Technology, the Higher Education System of many countries experienced several changes during the last few decades. Preparing students to face competitive world has become a challenge to the teachers. Along with the knowledge gained from books, teachers need to train students with live examples. Various strategies such as presentation, group discussion, industrial visit, etc. are added to the curriculum. Students are allowed to have contact with the external world. The traditional teaching method of chalk and talk is replaced by other methods to learn and experience the outer world to enrich their knowledge. Bringing changes based on the present requirement is the need of the time.
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