Australopithecus afarensis

Autor: Berger, Lee R, Hawks, John, De Ruiter, Darryl J, Churchill, Steven E, Schmid, Peter, Delezene, Lucas K, Kivell, Tracy L, Garvin, Heather M, Williams, Scott A, DeSilva, Jeremy M, Skinner, Matthew M, Musiba, Charles M, Cameron, Noel, Holliday, Trenton W, Harcourt-Smith, William, Ackermann, Rebecca R, Bastir, Markus, Bogin, Barry, Bolter, Debra, Brophy, Juliet, Cofran, Zachary D, Congdon, Kimberly A, Deane, Andrew S, Dembo, Mana, Drapeau, Michelle, Elliott, Marina C, Elen M Feuerriegel, Garcia-Martinez, Daniel, Green, David J, Gurtov, Alia, Irish, Joel D, Kruger, Ashley, Laird, Myra F, Marchi, Damiano, Meyer, Marc R, Shahed Nalla, Enquye W Negash, Orr, Caley M, Radovcic, Davorka, Schroeder, Lauren, Scott, Jill E, Throckmorton, Zachary, Tocheri, Matthew W, VanSickle, Caroline, Walker, Christopher S, Pianpian Wei, Zipfel, Bernhard
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6106386
Popis: Australopithecus afarensis The samples attributed to Au. afarensis from Hadar, Laetoli, the Middle Awash, Woranso-Mille and Dikika were utilized. For this taxon we relied upon published reports (Johanson et al., 1982; Kimbel et al., 2004; Drapeau et al., 2005; Alemseged et al., 2006; Haile-Selassie et al., 2010; Ward et al., 2012), in addition to our own observations on original fossils and casts.
Published as part of Lee R Berger, John Hawks, Darryl J de Ruiter, Steven E Churchill, Peter Schmid, Lucas K Delezene, Tracy L Kivell, Heather M Garvin, Scott A Williams, Jeremy M DeSilva, Matthew M Skinner, Charles M Musiba, Noel Cameron, Trenton W Holliday, William Harcourt-Smith, Rebecca R Ackermann, Markus Bastir, Barry Bogin, Debra Bolter, Juliet Brophy, Zachary D Cofran, Kimberly A Congdon, Andrew S Deane, Mana Dembo, Michelle Drapeau, Marina C Elliott, , Elen M Feuerriegel, Daniel Garcia-Martinez, David J Green, Alia Gurtov, Joel D Irish, Ashley Kruger, Myra F Laird, Damiano Marchi, Marc R Meyer, Shahed Nalla, Enquye W Negash, Caley M Orr, Davorka Radovcic, Lauren Schroeder, Jill E Scott, Zachary Throckmorton, Matthew W Tocheri, Caroline VanSickle, Christopher S Walker, Pianpian Wei & Bernhard Zipfel, 2015, Homo naledi, a new species of the genus Homo from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa, pp. 1-35 in eLife e 09560 4 on page 26, DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09560
Databáze: OpenAIRE