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The article touches upon the problem of food production for people suffering from the celiac disease. The aim of the study is the development of gluten-free cookie recipes and technologies and the determination of the influence of rice bran on the nutritional and biological value of new products. Organoleptic characteristics of quality of the cookies were determined using a scoring system based on descriptive and profile methods for assessing the quality of finished products. To determine the content of gluten in cookies, the authors applied enzyme immunoassay using monoclonal antibodies to gliadin. The relative biological value of the developed products was determined by the microbiological method using the test-organism of the infusoria Tetrahymena pyriformis. The developed recopies show possibility of using corn flour and rice bran instead of wheat flour in the production of gluten-free products. The authors studied the effect of dosages of alternative raw materials on organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics of quality of the cookies and proposed optimal variant of the recipe of a gluten-free cookie based on a composite mixture of corn flour and rice bran in the optimal ratio (60:40). The selected recipes provide high organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics of quality of the finished products, corresponding to the requirements of CODEX STAN 118-19-79 and Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 027/2012. The biological and nutritional value of the finished products was determined. Keywords: celiac disease, corn flour, rice bran, gluten-free products, quality, biological, nutritional value. |