Environmental risk assessment in five rivers of Parana River basin, Southern Brazil, through biomarkers in Astyanax spp

Autor: Sonia Regina Grötzner, Francisco Filipak Neto, Claudia Feijó Ortolani-Machado, Evanilde Benedito, Juliana Parolin Ceccon, Marco Antonio Ferreira Randi, Ivaldete Tijolin Barros, Samuel Liebel, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, Andressa Glinski
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24:16228-16240
ISSN: 1614-7499
Popis: In the current study, water quality of five river sites in Parana River basin (Brazil), utilized for public water supply, was assessed through a set of biomarkers in fish Astyanax spp. Population growth and inadequate use of land are challenges to the preservation of biodiversity and resources such as water. Some physicochemical parameters as well as somatic indexes, gills and liver histopathology, genotoxicity, and biochemical biomarkers were evaluated. The highest gonadosomatic index (GSI) and antioxidant parameters (catalase and glutathione S-transferase activities, non-protein thiols), as well as the lowest damage to biomolecules (lipid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, DNA damage) were observed in site 0 (Piava River), which is located at an environmental protected area. Site 1, located in the same river, but downstream site 0 and outside the protection area, presents some level of impact. Fish from site 2 (Antas River), which lack of riparian forest and suffer from silting, presented the highest micronucleus incidence and no melanomacrophages. Differently, individuals from site 3 (Xambrê River) and site 4 (Pinhalzinho River) which receive surface runoff from Umuarama city, urban and industrial sewage, have the highest incidences of liver and gill histopathological alterations, including neoplasia, which indicated the worst health conditions of all sites. In particular, site 4 had high levels of total nitrogen and ammonia, high turbidity, and very low oxygen levels, which indicate important chemical impact. Comparison of the biomarkers in fish allowed classification of the five sites in terms of environmental impact and revealed that sites 3 and 4 had particular poor water quality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE