Ratlas-LH: An MRI template of the Lister hooded rat brain with stereotaxic coordinates for neurosurgical implantations

Autor: Alain Pitiot, Tobias Bast, Malcolm Prior, Adam Seaton, Gerard R Hall, Stephanie McGarrity, Daniel Vincenz, Jürgen Goldschmidt
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Brain and Neuroscience Advances
Brain and neuroscience advances, 5:23982128211036332
ISSN: 2398-2128
Popis: There is currently no brain atlas available to specifically determine stereotaxic coordinates for neurosurgery in Lister hooded rats despite the popularity of this strain for behavioural neuroscience studies in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. We have created a dataset, which we refer to as ‘Ratlas-LH’ (for Lister hooded). Ratlas-LH combines in vivo magnetic resonance images of the brain of young adult male Lister hooded rats with ex vivo micro-computed tomography images of the ex vivo skull, as well as a set of delineations of brain regions, adapted from the Waxholm Space Atlas of the Sprague Dawley Rat Brain. Ratlas-LH was produced with an isotropic resolution of 0.15 mm. It has been labelled in such a way as to provide a stereotaxic coordinate system for the determination of distances relative to the skull landmark of bregma. We have demonstrated that the atlas can be used to determine stereotaxic coordinates to accurately target brain regions in the Lister hooded rat brain. Ratlas-LH is freely available to facilitate neurosurgical procedures in the Lister hooded rat.
Databáze: OpenAIRE