Субјекатски генитив у стандардном српском језику

Autor: Ivana Antonic
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Južnoslovenski Filolog, Vol 2005, Iss 61, Pp 125-143 (2005)
Јужнословенски филолог
Popis: The paper presents a review of syntactic-semantic structures with the so-called subject genitive, it describes and in a specific way compares all syntactic-semantic models with this type of genitive and discusses the necessary syntactic-semantic conditions which influence its appearance with the comment on the necessary pragmatic conditions where it is relevant. In comparison with the interpretations existing so far, this category is somewhat extended, and the appearance of genitive in specific models mentioned by other authors, too - is explicitly classified into this category, which has not been the case before. Subject genitive, as an exponent of the grammatical subject in the deep predication (full verbal lexeme [condensed by the deverbal noun] or copulative with the adjective as a semantic core [condensed by the deadjectival noun], or the predication of the reduced relative clause in the function of the restrictive identifier of the basic noun of the type nomina loci and nomina collectiva) or as a denotator of the semantic subject, in both cases with the meaning of agent - the direct performer of the activity or an intermediary, but also a pseudo-agent, e.g. the indicator of a characteristic, of existence, objects instrument, of the entity created in the process of the verb activity possessor, causer, indicator of a state or feeling, disponent (temporary possessor) - is realized equally in nominal and verbal structures, and in a particular instance also in the occasional variant of the sentence with one type of modal particles (evo, eto, eno, gle) in a specific pragmatic situation. In the Standard Serbian Language the subject genitive is the element of the secondary syntactic-semantic structures - generated from the basic deep, prototypical, structures (all models except the model with the personal and the model with the medial predication), or the element of the basic syntactic-semantic structures but so-called converse structures (the model with the personal and the model with the medial predication). The author also gives comment of the terminological solutions. U radu se daje pregled sintaksičko-semantičkih struktura sa tzv. subjekatskim genitivom, opisuju se i na određeni način sučeljavaju svi sintaksičko-semantički modeli sa ovim tipom genitiva i obrazlažu nužni sintaksičko-semantički uslovi koji utiču na njegovu pojavu, uz komentar neophodnih pragmatičkih uslova, tamo gde je to relevantno. U odnosu na dosadašnja tumačenja proširuje se ova kategorija, a pojava genitiva u određenim modelima koje su i drugi autori pominjali eksplicitno se svrstava u ovu kategoriju, što ranije nije bio slučaj. Subjekatski genitiv, kao eksponent gramatičkog subjekta dubinske predikacije ili predikacije redukovane relativne klauze, ili denotator semantičkog subjekta, u oba slučaja sa značenjem agensa - direktnog vršioca radnje ili posrednika, ali i pseudoagensa - npr. nosioca osobine, stanja ili osećanja, egzistenta kauzatora, posesora, disponenta..., ostvaruje se podjednako u nominalnim i verbalnim strukturama, a u posebnom slučaju i u okazionalnoj varijanti rečenice uz jedan tip modalnih partikula sa specifičnim pragmatičkim efektom.
Databáze: OpenAIRE