Hirsutismo: Un problema estético en Adolescentes

Autor: Ana Cavadas López, Álvaro Peña Irún, Ana González Santamaría, Rafael García Espinosa
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia v.5 n.1 2012
SciELO España. Revistas Científicas Españolas de Ciencias de la Salud
ISSN: 1699-695X
Popis: Hirsutism. An esthetic problem in Adolescents. +LUVXWLVPKDVDSUHYDOHQFHRI����LQZRPHQRIUHSURGXFWLYHDJH�� ZLWKVLJQLoFDQWHVWKHWLF� repercussions in some cases. History and physical examination are of vital importance in the diagnostic work-up of these patients. Our challenge, in addition to identifying those cases with serious underlying disease, is to provide the most effective treatment possible to prevent psychological problems.
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