Nanomechanical Analysis of Extracellular Matrix and Cells in Multicellular Spheroids

Autor: Bryan D. Huey, Melani Solomon, Varun Vyas, Gerard G M D'Souza
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Cell Mol Bioeng
DOI: 10.1101/193516
Popis: Nanomechanical investigation with Atomic Force Microscope has revealed new details regarding various nanomechanical heterogeneities for cells that are embedded in extracellular matrix in Multicellular spheroidal culture. This investigation sheds new insight into dynamic relationship of cells with their surrounding environment in tumors and 3D multicellular cultures.Nanotechnology has revolutionized the field of cancer biology and has opened new avenues towards understanding nanomechanical variations in rapidly growing tumors. Over the last decade Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) has played an important role in understanding nanomechanical properties of various cancer cell lines. This study is focused on Lewis Lung Carcinoma Cell (LLC) tumors as 3D multicellular spheroid (MS). Such multicellular structures have enabled investigation of various components of tumors in-vitro. To better comprehend mechanical properties of cells and its surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM), depth dependent indentation measurements were conducted with Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Force-vs-indentation curves were used to create stiffness profiles as function of depth. Here studies were focused on outer most layer i.e. proliferation zone of the spheroid. AFM investigations of sample a MS revealed three nanomechanical topographies, Type A- high modulus due to collagen stress fibers, Type B- high stiffness at cell membrane & ECM interface and Type C - increased modulus due to cell lying deep inside matrix at the a depth of 1.35 microns. Various nanomechanical heterogeneities revealed in this investigation can shed new light in developing correct dosage regime for various tumor dissolving drugs and designing more controlled artificial extracellular matrix systems for replicating tissue growth in-vitro.Short Statistical SummaryThis article describes nanomechanical characteristics of the cells embedded in extracellular matrix in a multicellular spheroid. The paper contains 6350 words including title page and references. Graphical Content contains 46 words. This article contains 6 Figures and zero tables.
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