Quality of Services for the Homeless from the Perspective of Users of Shelters and Over-night Lodgings

Autor: Olja Družić Ljubotina, Marijana Kletečki Radović, Jelena Ogresta
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Bogoslovska smotra
Volume 92
Issue 4
ISSN: 0352-3101
Popis: Beskućnici su jedna od najranjivijih i najdepriviranijih skupina hrvatskoga društva, a ono o njima skrbi putem pružanja različitih oblika pomoći i podrške. Jedan od dostupnih oblika pomoći ovoj ranjivoj skupini su socijalne usluge kojima se nastoje ublažiti posljedice koje život u beskućništvu donosi, omogućiti podmirenje osnovnih životnih potreba te integraciju u društvo. Dosadašnja istraživanja o kvaliteti socijalnih usluga za beskućnike su malobrojna te ne postoji sustavno praćenje niti vrednovanje postojećih usluga. Najznačajnija socijalna usluga za beskućnike je usluga smještaja koja se primarno odnosi na smještaj u prihvatilištima i prenoćištima. Da bi kvaliteta usluge bila adekvatna, potrebno je istražiti zadovoljstvo kvalitetom pružene usluge od strane onih kojima je ona namijenjena. Stoga smo proveli istraživanje kojemu je cilj bio dobiti uvid u kvalitetu usluga za beskućnike u prihvatilištima i prenoćištima iz perspektive korisnika usluge smještaja. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 24 korisnika prihvatilišta i prenoćišta za beskućnike na području Grada Zagreba, Rijeke i Splita. Podaci su prikupljani metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua, dok se za analizu podataka koristila metoda tematske analize. Rezultati ukazuju na opće zadovoljstvo korisnika uslugom smještaja s nagla- skom na potrebu veće dostupnosti određenih usluga, kao što su osnovne zdravstvene ili psihosocijalne usluge u okviru prihvatilišta i prenoćišta. Korisnici usluge smještaja su ukazali na izostanak kontinuiteta u pružanju usluga unutar prihvatilišta i prenoćišta što se može pripisati projektnim financiranjima koja su svojstvena pružateljima usluga koji su velikim dijelom izloženi takvoj vrsti financiranja. Sudionici istraživanja su različito percipirali osobne mogućnosti izlaska iz statusa beskućnika pri čemu neki smatraju da se neće dugo zadržati u tom statusu, dok drugi ne vide mogućnost izlaska iz takve vrste smještaja s obzirom na nemogućnost rješavanja stambenog pitanja. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili i problem začaranog kruga beskućništva. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na važnost uključivanja perspektive korisnika s ciljem unapređenja socijalnih usluga za beskućnike, primarno onih koji koriste uslugu smještaja.
The homeless are one of the most vulnerable and deprived groups in the Croatian society, which takes care of them through various forms of help and support. One of the more available forms of help to this vulnerable group are social services that aim at mitigating the consequences of living without a home, at satisfying the most basic needs of life, and at the integration of the homeless into the society. The past studies of quality of social services for the homeless are few and there is no systematic monitoring or evaluation of existing services. The most important social service for the homeless is the service of accommodation, which primarily refers to accommodation in shelters and over-night lodgings. In order to ensure the quality of service, there is a need to study how satisfied its users are with the service. Thus, the authors of this article carried out a study whose aim was to gain insight into the quality of services for the homeless in shelters and overnight lodgings from the perspective of users of these services. 24 users of shelters and over-night lodgings in the area of the City of Zagreb, Rijeka, and Split took part in this study. The data has been gathered by using the method of semi-structured interview, while the method of thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The results suggest the general satisfaction with the service of accommodation among the homeless, although they point out the need for greater availability of certain services, such as basic health or psycho-social services within the frame of shelters and over-night lodgings. The users of the service of accommodation also pointed out the lack of continuity in providing services within shelters and over-night lodgings, which is due to project financing difficulties. Namely, such services are often financed through projects and are, therefore, largely financially dependent on official approval of such projects. The participants in the study have voiced different opinions on the possibility of exiting the status of being a homeless person, whereby some believe that they will not stay long in that status, while others do not see a possibility of leaving behind shelters and over-night lodgings, due to the impossibility of finding accommodation on their own. The results of the study, therefore, also confirmed the existence of the problem of the vicious circle of homelessness. The results point out the importance of including the perspective of users – primarily of those who use the service of accommodation – in order to improve the social services for the homeless.
Databáze: OpenAIRE