Oral health awareness in HIV positive Nigerian adults

Autor: EC Otoh, EN Okeke, IS Danfillo, OO Taiwo
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences; Vol 5, No 1 (2006); 7-11
ISSN: 1595-8272
DOI: 10.4314/njhbs.v5i1.11565
Popis: Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the awareness of a group of HIV-positive Nigerian adults on their oral health status. Study Design : Cross-sectional study using questionnaires and subsequent oral examinations. Results : 477 patients were examined. The age range was 16 80 years (Mean = 35 ± 9). 56.4% were females. 338 (70.8%) had post primary education. A total of 203 (42.6%) presented with oral lesions attributable to HIV/AIDS. Though 151 (31.7%) patients claimed to have noticed some abnormalities in their mouths, 101 (66.9%) actually presented with lesions associated with HIV. Clinically detectable oral lesions were also noticed in 102 (31.3%) of 326 patients who reportedly experienced no problem with their oral health out of which 17 of them had multiple lesions. Lesions commonly noticed includes; Candidiasis, Xerostomia, Herpes Stomatitis and Aphthous Ulcerations. Patient's educational level did not affect their ability to detect a change in their mouths (X2=2.932, p=0.402). Conclusion : The awareness of HIV-positive patients to their oral health is poor. As oral manifestations of HIV/AIDS could be the first sign of infestation, the general public should be encouraged to observe routine dental visits. Keywords : oral health, HIV/AIDS, Nigerian Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences Vol. 5(1) 2006: 7-11
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