The Role of Regulatory T Lymphocytes in Immune Control of MC-2 Fibrosarcoma

Autor: Doroteja Pavan Jukić, Cecilija Rotim, Mislav Jurin, Tomislav Jukić, Ana Jurin Martić, Siniša Ivanković, Mariastefania Antica
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
030213 general clinical medicine
0209 industrial biotechnology
regulatory T lymphocytes
tumor growth
specific monoclonal antibodies
experimental mice
Regulatory T lymphocytes
Specific monoclonal antibodies
02 engineering and technology
Monoclonal antibody

03 medical and health sciences
020901 industrial engineering & automation
0302 clinical medicine
Regulatorni T limfociti
Tumorski rast
Specifična monoklonska protutijela
Eksperimentalni miševi
Clinical Medical Sciences
IL-2 receptor
Tumor growth
Experimental mice

General Medicine
Inbred CBA

Cancer research
Preliminary Communications
Zdroj: Acta clinica Croatica
Volume 59.
Issue 2.
Acta Clinica Croatica, Vol 59, Iss 2., Pp 351-357 (2020)
Acta Clinica Croatica
ISSN: 1333-9451
Popis: The role of T regulatory lymphocytes (Treg) particularly in cancer is well known. The goal of the present study was to determine the contribution of these lymphocytes in the regulation of anti-tumor immunity of CBA/HZgr mice against MC-2 fibrosarcoma (4th generation of methylcholanthrene induced tumor). The levels of T lymphocytes (CD4+, CD8+ and CD4+CD25+) were determined 8 and 20 days after tumor transplantation. Further, the role of CD4+CD25+ (Tregs) in tumor-host interaction was evaluated in vitro and in vivo by using specific monoclonal antibodies. We found that splenocytes of both control and Treg depleted tumor bearing mice strongly but differently inhibited growth of tumor cells in vitro. While splenocytes of untreated mice exhibited significant decrease of this activity (from 74.4% to 62.6% and 32.95%), the splenocytes of Treg depleted mice showed increase of this activity (from 79.5% to 84.3% and 86.2%) from day 6 to day 13 and day 21 after tumor grafting, respectively. Further, upon i.v. injecting specific monoclonal anti-Treg antibody tumor immediately prior to tumor cell intracutaneous transplantation, the tumor was rejected after initial growth. In treated mice, the incidence of Treg cells was very low initially, reaching normal values two weeks later. These animals were shown to be resistant to tumor transplantation four months later.
Uloga T regulatornih limfocita dobro je poznata, osobito kod tumora. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi doprinos ovih limfocita u regulaciji antitumorske imunosti CBA/HZgr miševa protiv MC-2 fibrosarkoma (4. generacija metilkolantrenom izazvanog tumora). Razine T limfocita (CD4+, CD8+ and CD4+CD25+) određivale su se 8 i 20 dana nakon transplantacije tumora. Nadalje, uloga CD4+CD25+ T limfocita (Treg) u interakciji tumora i domaćina procijenjena je in vitro i in vivo primjenom specifičnih monoklonskih protutijela. Utvrdili smo da splenociti kako kontrolnih miševa tako i miševa s tumorom bez Treg snažno, ali različito suzbijaju rast tumorskih stanica in vitro. Dok su splenociti netretiranih miševa pokazivali značajno smanjenje ove aktivnosti (sa 74,4% na 62,6% i 32,95%), splenociti miševa bez Treg pokazivali su porast ove aktivnosti (sa 79,5% na 84,3% i 86,2%) od 6. do 13. i 21. dana nakon transplantacije tumora. Uz to, nakon i.v. injektiranja specifičnog monoklonskog anti-Treg tumorskog protutijela neposredno prije intrakutane transplantacije tumorskih stanica, nakon početkog rasta nastupilo je odbacivanje tumora. Kod tretiranih miševa incidencija Treg stanica bila u početku vrlo niska i dostigla je normalne vrijednosti dva tjedna kasnije. Nakon četiri mjeseca pokazalo se da su ove životinje otporne na transplantaciju tumora.
Databáze: OpenAIRE