Calibration Of Parallel Multi-View Cameras

Autor: M. Ali-Bey, N. Manamanni, S. Moughamir
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1055161
Popis: This paper focuses on the calibration problem of a multi-view shooting system designed for the production of 3D content for auto-stereoscopic visualization. The considered multiview camera is characterized by coplanar and decentered image sensors regarding to the corresponding optical axis. Based on the Faugéras and Toscani-s calibration approach, a calibration method is herein proposed for the case of multi-view camera with parallel and decentered image sensors. At first, the geometrical model of the shooting system is recalled and some industrial prototypes with some shooting simulations are presented. Next, the development of the proposed calibration method is detailed. Finally, some simulation results are presented before ending with some conclusions about this work.
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