D7.7: Performance and energy metrics on PCP systems

Autor: Victor Cameo Ponz
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6801735
Popis: This document describes efforts undertaken in order to exploit PRACE Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) machines. It aims at giving an overview of what can be done in terms of performances and energy analysis on these prototypes. The key focus has been given to a general study using the PRACE Unified European Application Benchmark Suite (UEABS) and to a more detailed case study porting a solver stack using cutting edge tools. This work has been undertaken by the PRACE Fourth Implementation Phase (PRACE-4IP) extension task "Performance and energy metrics on PCP systems" which is a follow-up of the Task 7.2B "Accelerators benchmarks" in the PRACE-4IP. It also heads in the direction of the Task 7.3 in PRACE-5IP meaning to merge PRACE accelerated and standard benchmark suites, as codes of the latter have been run on accelerators in this task. As a result, ALYA, Code_Saturne, CP2K, GPAW, GROMACS, NAMD, PFARM, QCD, Quantum Espresso, SHOC and Specfem3D_Globe (already ported to accelerator) and GADGET and NEMO (newly ported) have been selected to run on Intel KNL and NVIDIA GPU to give an overview of performances and energy measurement. Also, the HORSE+MaPHyS+PaStiX solver stack has been selected to be ported to Intel KNL. Focus here has been given to performing an energetic profiling of theses codes and studying the influence of several parameters driving the accuracy and numerical efficiency of the underlying simulations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE