Independent community care gerontological nursing: becoming an entrepreneur

Autor: Rosalie A Caffrey
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Journal of gerontological nursing. 31(8)
ISSN: 0098-9134
Popis: This article is the third in a series of anieles focusing on the independent nurse's role (the first appeared in the April 2005 [Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 5-11] and the second appeared in July 2005 [Vol. 31, No.7,pp. 18-25]). This series showcases the nurse's diverse responsibilities outside the hospital or long-term care facility. Other articles in this series will appear in upcoming issues of the Journal and will describe to readers the different roles nurses assume in the community. ABSTRACT Few nurses have the experience of developing an independent practice. This ethnographic study explores the process and challenges of becoming an entrepreneur as described by nurses developing independent practices in community care gerontologie nursing. The process included developing a legal contract, marketing strategies, and reimbursement amounts and strategies. Major barriers to implementing this role identified by the nurses included ignorance and confusion by others about their role, financial issues related to an uncertain income, time management, and legal concerns especially around delegation. These were experienced and dedicated nurses who were also risk-takers and enjoyed the independence of practicing nursing because they believed it was meant to be practiced. Suggestions for research, education, and practice are included.
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