In vivo evidence for early neurodevelopmental anomaly of the anterior cingulate cortex in bipolar disorder

Autor: Murat Yücel, Stephen J. Wood, Dennis Velakoulis, Michael M. Saling, Belinda Ivanovski, Alex Fornito, Jim Lagopoulos, Christos Pantelis, Patrick D. McGorry, Gin S Malhi
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 116:467-472
ISSN: 1600-0447
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2007.01069.x
Popis: Abnormal structure and function of the anteriorcingulate cortex (ACC) is commonly reported inneuroimaging studies of bipolar disorder (BD)(1Ð5), and may be important for understanding itscharacteristic cognitive and emotional deÞcits(2, 6). While several postmortem studies haveForn ito A, Malhi GS, Lag opoulos J, Ivanovsk iB ,W ood SJ, Vela koulis D,Saling MM ,McGorr y P D ,Pantelis C, Yu ¬cel M. In vivo evidence for earlyneurod evelopm ental an omaly of the anteri or cingulate cortex in bipolardisorde r.O bjective: A n terio r cin gu late co rtex (A C C ) ab n o rm alities areco m m o n ly rep o rted in stu d ies o f p atien ts w ith b ip o lar d iso rd er (B D ),b u t it is u n clear w h eth er th ese p reced e o r fo llo w illn ess o n set. W ein vestigated th e evid en ce fo r early n eu ro d evelo p m en tal an o m alies inth e A C C an d ad jacen t p aracin gu late co rtex (P aC ) o f B D p atien ts b ystu d yin g co rtical fo ld in g p attern s o f th e regio n .M ethod: M agn etic reso n an ce im ages w ere acq u ired fro m 54 B Dp atien ts an d 116 h ealth y co n tro ls. C o rtical fo ld in g p attern s w ereassessed b y classifyin g th e in cid en ce o f th e p aracin gu latesu lcu s (P C S ) an d in terru p tio n s in th e co u rse o f th e cin gu latesu lcu s (C S ).R esults: P atien ts w ere sign iÞ can tly less lik ely to sh o w a P C Sb ilaterally. T h ere w ere n o d i! eren ces in th e freq u en cy o f C Sin terru p tio n s.C onclusion: T h e b ilateral red u ctio n o b served in o u r p atien t sam p leim p licates ab erran t p re- o r p eri-n atal d evelo p m en tal p ro cesses. T o o u rk n o w led ge, th is is th e Þ rst in vivo evid en ce fo r earlyn eu ro d evelo p m en tal an o m aly o f th e A C C UP aC regio n in B D .
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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