Regulation of Pacing Rate by Variations of Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation

Autor: Eckhard Alt, R. Heinze, K. Stanzl, Alexander Wirtzfeld, H.D. Liess, K. Hoekstein
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 7:1257-1262
ISSN: 1540-8159
DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-8159.1984.tb05692.x
Popis: La saturation d'oxygene du sang du ventricule droit (So2) serait un capteur ideal pour asservir la frequence d'un stimulateur implante. Afin de prouver cette hypothese, des inesures de So2 au repos et a l'exercice ont ete realisees chez des sujets normaux et chez des patients porteurs de stimulateurs; ensuite un algorithme a ete developpe pour faire varier la frequence de stimulation en fonction de la So2 mesuree. Les resultats suggerent que cette methode pourrait etre utile aux implants a long terme. Right ventricular oxygen saturation (So2) may be an ideal sensor for determining the rate of an implanted pacemaker. In order to prove this hypothesis, the obtained signals were optimally analyzed; determinations of So2 at rest and during exercise were made in healthy volunteers and in patients with pacemakers; and an algorithm was developed for varying pacing rate as a function of measured So2. The results suggest that this method may be applicable to the long-term implantee.
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