Combined source/channel (de-)coding: can a priori information be used twice?

Autor: T. Hindelang, Richard Vandervoort Cox, Nambirajan Seshadri, Tim Fingscheidt
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: ICC (3)
DOI: 10.1109/isit.2000.866564
Popis: In digital transmission of speech, audio, images and video signals residual redundancy is often left after source coding due to the complexity and delay constraints. This redundancy remains both inside one block or frame but also in a time correlation of subsequent frames. We describe an approach to improve channel and source decoding by using both kinds of correlation. Further on we consider the bit-mapping and the multiplexing in coding and its effect on decoding. The mutual information as measurement for the gain in decoding through a priori information is explained. In this work on combined source and channel decoding, we try to answer the following question: can a priori information that models the source parameters be used twice; first at the channel decoder and then at the source decoder. The channel decoder uses the a priori information that models the bit stream generated by the source coder. This does not capture all the details of the source parameter level statistics. By exploiting the a priori knowledge of parameters (once more) at the source decoder, we show that it is possible to achieve better reconstruction than if this information was used at either of the decoders.
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