Impact of cultural dynamics on conservation of Suakin, Sudan

Autor: Michael Mallinson, Stephen Emmitt, Katherine Sarah Ashley, Helen Mallinson, Mohamed Osmani
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Ashley, K S, Osmani, M, Emmitt, S, Mallinson, M & Mallinson, H 2014, ' Impacts of cultural dynamics on conservation of Suakin, Sudan ', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, vol. 167, no. 6, pp. 264-278 .
ISSN: 1751-7680
DOI: 10.1680/esu.14.00018
Popis: The aim of this work was to explore the impact of local cultural dynamics on the conservation of the built heritage of Suakin, an abandoned historic port on the Red Sea coast of Sudan, through a collaborative stakeholder approach. Key representatives of local stakeholder groups attended a two-day workshop and took part in a series of collaborative activities. These encompassed the production of a rank-ordered list of the key local cultural dynamics impacting on the port's conservation, agreement to a number of actions to address obstacles to conservation, identification of local cultural values collectively determined by stakeholder and confirmation of the value of an integrated conservation approach. The workshop enabled a shared understanding and responsibility between stakeholders and established a commitment to further action to address the key local cultural dynamics impacting on the conservation. This collaborative stakeholder participation represented a new step in the port's conservation and invited the development of more formal protocols to enable the equal representation and participation of stakeholders in future conservation activities and initiatives.
Databáze: OpenAIRE