Особливості антоксидантної системи захисту у динаміці розвитку гострого респіраторного дистрес-синдрому та при різних методах корекції у щурів

Autor: Mariya Marushchak, Alexander Oliynyk, Uliana Hevko, Samvel Savchuk
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: ScienceRise: Medical Science; № 6 (14) (2017); 18-23
ScienceRise. Medical Science; № 6 (14) (2017); 18-23
ISSN: 2519-478X
Popis: Встановлено, що в умовах гострого респіраторного дистрес-синдрому активність СОД, каталази та вміст SH-груп у тварин з різною стійкістю до гіпоксії знижуються. Застосування інсуфляції киснем, субстанції “КД-234”і реамберину в даних умовах призводить до нормалізації активності СОД і каталази, вмісту SH-груп у тварин з різною стійкістю до гіпоксії
Taking into account the pathogenetic role of membrane destructing processes of the oxidative stress and hypoxia in ARDS development, it becomes obvious that it is necessary to use antihypoxants-antioxidants. During the last decade the large number of researchers searched for effective metabolic preparations to treat and prevent ARDS. This work is devoted to this important question of the modern medicine.Aim of research – to determine the indices of the antioxidant protection system in the dynamics of an acute respiratory distress-syndrome development and at different correction methods in rats with a different tolerance to hypoxia.Materials and methods. The study was carried out on 106 white non-linear male rats, kept on the standard ration of the vivarium of Ternopol state medical university, named after I.Y. Gorbachevsky. The experiment on the assessment of an effect of oxygen insufflation, “KD-234” and reamberin was carried out taking into account animals’ individual tolerance to hypoxia, determined by the method of V.Y. Berezovsky. For further studies were taken animals from the group of hypoxia middle tolerable rats HMT) with the survival time 240–360 s and low tolerable rats (HLT) with the survival time less than 180 s. Animals were divided in 5 groups: 1 – control group (n=12; HMT/HLT=6/6), 2 – ARDS modeling without correction, observations in 2 hours. (n=24: 12/12), 3 – ARDS modeling, correction by oxygen insufflation (n=24: 12/12), 4 – ARDS modeling “KD-234” correction (n=24: 12/12), 5 – ARDS modeling, reamberin correction (n=22: 11/11). Animal underwent ARDS modeling by G. Маtute-Bello method. For the correction in 4th studied group for used “KD-234”substance, diluted in distilled water for injections and administered intragastrally through a probe in the dose 50 mg/kg and in 5th studied group – reamberin, administered intraabdominally in the dose 10 ml/kg to animals in 1 hour before ARDS modeling.Results. It was established, that under conditions of the acute respiratory distress-syndrome SOD, catalase activity and SH-groups content in animals with a different tolerance to hypoxia decrease comparing with the control (р
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