Birkhoff and Lyapunov Spectra on Planar Self-affine Sets

Autor: Thomas Jordan, Antti Käenmäki, Balázs Bárány, Michał Rams
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Bárány, B, Jordan, T, Käenmäki, A & Rams, M 2020, ' Birkhoff and Lyapunov spectra on planar self-affine sets ', International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 0, rnz359 .
ISSN: 1687-0247
Popis: Working on strongly irreducible planar self-affine sets satisfying the strong open set condition, we calculate the Birkhoff spectrum of continuous potentials and the Lyapunov spectrum.
Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure
Databáze: OpenAIRE