A new Software/Hardware Architecture for Real Time Image Processing of Wide Area Airborne Camera Images

Autor: Sahil Suri, Franz Kurz, Peter Reinartz, Ulrike Thomas, Dominik Rosenbaum
Rok vydání: 2009
DOI: 10.1007/s11554-008-0109-6
Popis: This paper describes a new software/hardware architecture for processing wide area airborne camera images in real time. The images under consideration are acquired from the 3K-camera system developed at DLR (German Aerospace Center). It consists of three off-the-shelf cameras, each of it delivers 16 Mpixel three times a second. One camera is installed in nadir, whereas the other two cameras are looking in side direction. Main applications of our system are supposed to be automotive traffic monitoring, determining the workload of public road networks during mass events, or obtaining a survey of damages in disaster areas in real time. Altogether, this demands a fast image processing system on the aircraft, because the amount of original high resolution images can not be sent to ground by up-to-date transfer mode systems. The on-board image processing system is distributed over a local network. On each PC several modules are running concurrently. In order to synchronize several processes and to assure access to commonly used data, a new distributed middleware for real time image processing is introduced. Two sophisticated modules one for orthorectification of images and one for traffic monitoring are explained in more detail. The orthorectification and mosaicking is executed on the fast graphics processing unit on one PC, whereas the traffic monitoring module runs on another PC in the on-board network. The resulting image data and evaluated traffic parameters are sent to a ground station in near real time and are distributed to the involved users. Thus, with the here suggested software/hardware system it becomes possible to support rescue forces and security forces in disaster areas or during mass events in near real time.
Databáze: OpenAIRE