À propos de la place des enclitiques en BCMS (bosniaque-croate-monténégrin-serbe)

Autor: Paul-Louis Thomas
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Revue des études slaves. 80:147-160
ISSN: 0080-2557
Popis: About the Place of Enclitics in BCMS Language The author draws up a list of ail the enclitics of the Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian language and gives the rules of their linearisation (from the left to the right: interrogative particle li, auxiliary verb, dative pronoun, accusative pronoun, reflexive pronoun). He deals with enclitics which have homographic stressed counterparts, and with the meaning of «second place» for the enclitics: actually, enclitics may come after the first stressed word (even if they are inside a syntagm, according to a strict phonetic principle) or after the first stressed syntagm (according to a syntactic principle). The paper considers different factors which determine the position of enclitics. - Syntactic factors: enclitics may lean on subordinating conjunctions, relative pronouns or adverbs, so that the order of enclitics is different in independent clauses and in subordinate clauses. In coordinate clauses linearisation may be the same as in independent clauses or as in subordinate clauses, after coordinating conjunctions pa, te, ali, ili; the status of the conjuction jer should be reconsidered: it behaves with enclitics as a coordinating, and not as a subordinating conjunction as it is usually called. - Functional style: there is an internal coherence of the enclitics position for each functional style, colloquial, journalistic (in all the media) and literary ('belles-lettres'). - Standard: BCMS language is polystandardized, i.e offers several standards, inside each of which there is some coherence of the enclitics position; however, differences (for instance between Serbian and Croatian) are more important in literary texts (and normative reference books!) than in everyday speech. The author shows that in some cases the term 'enclitic' is inappropriate: in spite of a long tradition (especially from the 19th century on) of repeating the same denominations over and over again, sometimes the so-called 'enclitics' are actually proclitics.
O mestu enklitika u BCHS jeziku Autor daje integralni spisak enklitika u bosansko-crnogorsko-hrvatsko-srpskom lingvističkom sistemu i podseća na pravila njihove linearizacije (sleva nadesno: upitna čestica li, pomoćni glagol, zamenica u dativu, zamenica u akuzativu, povratna zamenica). Bavi se enklitikama koje imaju homografe – naglašene oblike, kao i takozvanim «drugim mestom» enklitika: u stvari, enklitike mogu da se pojave posle prve akcentovane reči (makar bile unutar sintagme, po striktno fonetskom principu) ili posle prve naglašene sintagme (po sintak- sičkom principu). U članku se razmatraju faktori koji određuju mesto enklitika. Sintaksički faktori: enklitike mogu da se naslone na subjunktore, na odnosne zamenice i priloge, tako da je linearizacija različita u nezavisnim i u zavisnim rečenicama. U koordiniranim rečenicama linearizacija može da se ostvari kao u nezavisnim ili kao u zavisnim rečenicama posle konjunktora pa, te, ali, ili; treba dovesti u pitanje statut veznika jer, koji funkcioniše sa enklitikama kao konjunktor, a ne kao subjunktor. -Funkcionalni stil: postoji koherentnost mesta enklitika unutar svakog funkcionalnog stila, razgovornog, novinarsko-publicističkog (jezika medija) i književnog (u smislu «beletrističkog»). - Standard: u pitanju je jedan jedini BCHS lingvistici sistem sa po li standardizacijom, t.j. sa više standarda; postoji koherentnost mesta enklitika unutar svakog standarda, s tim što su razlike, npr. između srpskog i hrvatskog, veće u negovanom književnom jeziku (pa i u normativnim priručnicima!) nego u svakodnevnom govornom jeziku. Dokazuje se da je u više slučajeva naziv «enklitika» neadekvatan: uprkos tradiciji i stalno ponavljanim odrednicama (naročito od 19. veka), radi se ponekad o proklitikama.
Thomas Paul-Louis. À propos de la place des enclitiques en BCMS (bosniaque-croate-monténégrin-serbe) . In: Revue des études slaves, tome 80, fascicule 1-2, 2009. La cohérence du discours dans les langues slaves, sous la direction de Jean Breuillard, Paul-Louis Thomas et Hélène Włodarczyk. pp. 147-160.
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