Incidence of reactions to sulfonamide drugs in infants and children

Autor: Herbert William Fink, Clement A. Smith
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: The Journal of pediatrics. 28
ISSN: 0022-3476
Popis: Summary In a study of more than 5,000 infants and children receiving sulfonamide drugs on the wards of the Children's Hospital of Michigan during a period of two and one-half years from 1942 to 1944, the following observations were made: 1. Sulfonamides may produce or aggravate gastrointestinal and neurologic disturbances in acutely ill children. Such reactions were rarely noted in children receiving chemotherapy during convalescence or at a time when they were well. 2. Renal complications were rare and apparently less frequently encounteredthan in adults. Two deaths from anuria not associated with crystalluria occurred in this series. 3. Untoward effects on the blood and blood-forming organs were also uncommon in children and when present were usually associated with evidences of a general reaction such as fever and rash. Two cases of malignant neutropenia and two cases of hemolytic anemia were encountered; all patients recovered. 4. Sixty patients (1.4 per cent) developed febrile reactions, twenty-five with accompanying rashes. Leucocytosis with white blood cell count as high as 70,000 often occurred during the reaction, although leucopenia was occasionally seen. All patients completely recovered following cessation of drug therapy. 5. Over one-half (59 per cent) of the patients reacting to one course of sulfonamide developed “immediate” reactions to tests with repeat doses. Test doses of 0.25 Gm. (grains 3.8) were usually sufficient to produce a reaction. 6. “Immediate” reactions were observed only in those patients who hadshown previous drug reactions. 7. Seven children were given test doses of a sulfonamide different fromthat to which they were proved sensitive. Only two developed reactions, and both of these received a third sulfonamide without reaction. 8. Observation of the patient after oral administration of a test dose of0.25 Gm. (3.8 grains) of sulfonamide is recommended as a test for suspected drug sensitivity. 9. Skin testing of suspected sulfonamide sensitive patients with human sulfonamide-containingserum after the manner of Leftwich has not proved useful in children.
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