The chromatin accessibility landscape of primary human cancers

Autor: M. Ryan Corces, Howard Y. Chang, Nathan C. Sheffield, Jose A. Seoane, Jean C. Zenklusen, Bryan H. Louie, Jeffrey M. Granja, Peter W. Laird, Ina Felau, A. Gordon Robertson, Christopher K. Wong, Seung Woo Cho, Tiago C. Silva, Katherine A. Hoadley, Benjamin P. Berman, Shadi Shams, Christina Curtis, Ansuman T. Satpathy, Mauro A. A. Castro, Wanding Zhou, Clarice S. Groeneveld, William J. Greenleaf, Louis M. Staudt, Maxwell R. Mumbach
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Science. 362
ISSN: 1095-9203
Popis: INTRODUCTION Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Although the 2% of the human genome that encodes proteins has been extensively studied, much remains to be learned about the noncoding genome and gene regulation in cancer. Genes are turned on and off in the proper cell types and cell states by transcription factor (TF) proteins acting on DNA regulatory elements that are scattered over the vast noncoding genome and exert long-range influences. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) is a global consortium that aims to accelerate the understanding of the molecular basis of cancer. TCGA has systematically collected DNA mutation, methylation, RNA expression, and other comprehensive datasets from primary human cancer tissue. TCGA has served as an invaluable resource for the identification of genomic aberrations, altered transcriptional networks, and cancer subtypes. Nonetheless, the gene regulatory landscapes of these tumors have largely been inferred through indirect means. RATIONALE A hallmark of active DNA regulatory elements is chromatin accessibility. Eukaryotic genomes are compacted in chromatin, a complex of DNA and proteins, and only the active regulatory elements are accessible by the cell’s machinery such as TFs. The assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing (ATAC-seq) quantifies DNA accessibility through the use of transposase enzymes that insert sequencing adapters at these accessible chromatin sites. ATAC-seq enables the genome-wide profiling of TF binding events that orchestrate gene expression programs and give a cell its identity. RESULTS We generated high-quality ATAC-seq data in 410 tumor samples from TCGA, identifying diverse regulatory landscapes across 23 cancer types. These chromatin accessibility profiles identify cancer- and tissue-specific DNA regulatory elements that enable classification of tumor subtypes with newly recognized prognostic importance. We identify distinct TF activities in cancer based on differences in the inferred patterns of TF-DNA interaction and gene expression. Genome-wide correlation of gene expression and chromatin accessibility predicts tens of thousands of putative interactions between distal regulatory elements and gene promoters, including key oncogenes and targets in cancer immunotherapy, such as MYC , SRC , BCL2 , and PDL1 . Moreover, these regulatory interactions inform known genetic risk loci linked to cancer predisposition, nominating biochemical mechanisms and target genes for many cancer-linked genetic variants. Lastly, integration with mutation profiling by whole-genome sequencing identifies cancer-relevant noncoding mutations that are associated with altered gene expression. A single-base mutation located 12 kilobases upstream of the FGD4 gene, a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton, generates a putative de novo binding site for an NKX TF and is associated with an increase in chromatin accessibility and a concomitant increase in FGD4 gene expression. CONCLUSION The accessible genome of primary human cancers provides a wealth of information on the susceptibility, mechanisms, prognosis, and potential therapeutic strategies of diverse cancer types. Prediction of interactions between DNA regulatory elements and gene promoters sets the stage for future integrative gene regulatory network analyses. The discovery of hundreds of noncoding somatic mutations that exhibit allele-specific regulatory effects suggests a pervasive mechanism for cancer cells to manipulate gene expression and increase cellular fitness. These data may serve as a foundational resource for the cancer research community.
Databáze: OpenAIRE