Autor: Novak Oleksandr
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7747266
Popis: The article researches the main directions of monument protection activities and trends that were dominant in the field of protection of historical and cultural heritage in Chernihiv region in the 1919–1930s. The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends of the monument-protection activities in the Chernihiv region during the period from 1919 to 1930s and their correlation with the all-Ukrainian tendencies of the preservation of heritage of previous ages. Research methods. To achieve this purpose, the problemchronological, historical-comparative and historical-genetic methods were used. The methodological basis of the article is consisted in the multidisciplinary approach. A culturological approach was used to study «The Historical Policy». The scientific novelty of the article lies in the possibility to better determine the features of the protection of historical and cultural heritage of the Chernihiv region in 1919–1930s in the all-Ukrainian context. The periodization of monument-protection activities in the Chernihiv region during this period is proposed. Conclusions. It has been found that activities of the first monument-protection institutions of the Soviet Ukraine in the Chernihiv region, established in 1919, were limited due to lack of human and material resources. In the 1920s, there were significant changes in the functioning of specialized structures that contributed to the study of a significant number of valuable heritage sites of past ages in the Chernihiv region. Two historic-cultural preserve (sanctuary) were founded in this region in the late 1920s (in Chernihiv and Novgorod-Siverskyi), which had a positive impact on the preservation of the local architectural and urban heritage. In the period from the late 1920s to the late 1930s, a significant number of monuments were damaged or lost due to the intensification of anti-religious struggle or for utilitarian reasons. It has been found that the monument protectors of the Chernihiv region tried to resist lawlessness, but in general these attempts were in vain.
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