Bound-to-contiuum GaInAs-AlAsSb quantum cascade lasers with reduced electric injection power density

Autor: K. Schwarz, Ch. Mann, Joachim Wagner, Quankui Yang, K. Schauble, Wolfgang Bronner, Klaus Köhler, Christian Manz
Přispěvatelé: Publica
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Popis: Short-wavelength (lambda < 4 µm) GaInAs-AlAsSb quantum cascade (QC) lasers have been demonstrated using a "bound-to-continuum" design for the purpose of reducing the electric injection power density. As a result, we have reduced the low-temperature electric injection power density of the lasers by 40%, compared to that of GaInAs-AlAsSb QC lasers emitting at the same wavelength but adopting a triple-quantum-well design. The lasers in the present report can operate up to room temperature (300 K) in pulsed mode, emitting at short-wavelength lambda about 3.7 - 3.9 µm.
Databáze: OpenAIRE