Taxonomic structure of benthic diatoms' communities in spring in six sites of Oued beht and Oued r'dom (Morocco)

Autor: Qaouiyid Aziz, Jaghror Hafida, Hmima Hajar, Houri Kaoutar, Ilhame, Saad, Fadli, Mohamed
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
ISSN: 0049-6979
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7333267
Popis: The present work is concerned with the determination of an inventory of diatoms of two rivers of Morocco, Oued Beht and Oued R'dom to the levels of two riverine cities Sidi Slimane and Sidi Kacem. The harvested spring algal flora is composed of 93 species and varieties of species belonging to 11 orders of which the most represented in families are the orders of the Naviculales and Cocconeidales. In total 16 families are identified, which are subdivided into 25 genera. The families of Fragilaceae, Gomphonemataceae, Naviculaceae, Bacillariaceae, Achanthaceae have two genera each. The genera specifically the more rich are Nitzschia, Navicula and Gomphonema. The taxonomic structure of diatomic communities varies significantly from upstream to downstream of the riverine cities studied, but the variation is clearer when one considers the abundance of species. The discharged industrial and urban wastewater at the level of each city, the activity of cleansing performance of the river and the variation of responses of species, or varieties of species, to different physico-chemical conditions along the course of water are the main causes. Results of the index of diversity of Shannon-Wiener are in agreement with this result and the calculated equitabilities in the stations of each river do not differ much from a station to another, because, when in a biotop the effectives of some species are declining, those of other species are increasing. Keywords: Diatoms, Spring, Oued Beht, Oued R'dom, Morocco REFERENCES Abdellaoui A., 1990. Contribution à l’étude de la pollution des cours d’eau marocains par les métaux lourds – Cas d’oued Boufekrane: Thèse de 3éme cycle, Univ. Moulay Ismail, Meknès, 258p. AFNOR, 2000. Qualité de l’eau. 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