Globorotalia Cushman 1927

Autor: Ovechkina, Maria N., Bylinskaya, Marina E., Uken, Ron
Rok vydání: 2010
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7913467
Popis: Key to the species of Globorotalia from the Thukela Shelf 1 Test low trochospiral with subglobular chambers in final whorl.................. inflata – Test biconvex trochospiral with wedge-shaped chambers in final whorl..............2 2 Test wall thin with delicate, thin peripheral keel...................................................3 – Test wall thick with thick peripheral keel..............................................................4 3 Test rounded in outline............................................................................... cultrata – Test more elliptical in outline.................................................................... ungulata 4 Test rounded in outline............................................................................. menardii – Test elliptical in outline............................................................................... tumida
Published as part of Ovechkina, Maria N., Bylinskaya, Marina E. & Uken, Ron, 2010, Planktonic foraminiferal assemblage in surface sediments from the Thukela Shelf, South Africa, pp. 231 in African Invertebrates 51 (2) on page 237, DOI: 10.5733/afin.051.0202,
Databáze: OpenAIRE