Multi-system, multi-band RFID antenna

Autor: O. Vermesan, Mervi Hirvonen, N. Pesonen, Peter Enoksson, Cristina Rusu
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Hirvonen, M, Pesonen, N, Vermesan, O, Rusu, C & Enoksson, P 2008, Multi-system, multi-band RFID antenna : bridging the gap between HF-and UHF-based RFID applications . in Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference . IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 1767-1770, European Conference on Wireless Technology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27/10/08 .
Hirvonen, M, Pesonen, N, Vermesan, O, Rusu, C & Enoksson, P 2008, Multi-system, multi-band RFID antenna : Bridging the gap between HF-and UHF-based RFID applications . in Proceedings of the 1st European Wireless Technology Conference, EuWiT 2008 . IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, pp. 346-349, European Conference on Wireless Technology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27/10/08 .
Popis: In this paper a multi-system, multi-band antenna structure for RFID applications is presented. The antenna covers two UHF bands allocated for RFID use in Europe (866-868 MHz) and N. America (902-928 MHz) with a dual-band PIFA element as well as HF 13.56 MHz band with a near-field coil. Both systems in the antenna are shown to perform well on free space and on metal, allowing a wide use of the same tag antenna on different environments and systems. (6 refs.)
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