Transgenic Mice Demonstrate Novel Promoter Regions for Tissue-Specific Expression of the Urokinase Receptor Gene

Autor: Chunhong Yan, John Hicks, Heng Wang, Douglas D. Boyd, Yao Wang, Sun Jin Kim, Parham Khanbolooki
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: The American Journal of Pathology. 163:453-464
ISSN: 0002-9440
Popis: The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (u-PAR) contributes to cell migration and proteolysis in normal and cancerous tissues. Currently, there are no reports on the regulatory regions directing tissue-specific expression. Consequently, we undertook a study to identify novel promoter regions required for expression of this gene in transgenic mice bearing a LacZ reporter regulated by varying amounts (0.4, 1.5, and 8.5 kb) of upstream sequence. The 0.4-kb u-PAR upstream sequence directed weak and strong LacZ expression in the placenta and epididymis, respectively, both of which are tissues that express endogenous u-PAR. Conversely, transgene expression in the apical cells of the colon positive for endogenous u-PAR protein required 1.5 kb of upstream sequence for optimal expression. Furthermore, chromatin accessibility assays coupled with real-time polymerase chain reaction suggested a putative regulatory region spanning −1295/−1192 driving u-PAR expression in colonic cells. Interestingly, placental transgene expression was augmented with the 8.5-kb upstream fragment compared with the shorter 1.5-kb fragment indicating contributing element(s) between −1.5 and −8.5 kb. Thus, while 0.4 kb of upstream sequence directs u-PAR expression in the epididymis, sequences located between −0.4 and −1.5 kb and between −1.5 and −8.5 kb are required for optimal tissue-specific expression in the colon and the placenta, respectively.
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