[Attitude of highly qualified athletes to means of body recovery in the conditions of educational and training process]

Autor: Guzii, OV, Maglyovanyi, AV, Romanchuk, OP, Trach, VM
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 2310-1210
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4441888
Popis: Recovery of athletes in the training process is important to increase the level of fitness and prevent the development of overstrain and overtraining. Objective: To determine the attitude of highly qualified athletes to the use of means of recovery the body in the training process. Material and methods: interviewed 202 highly qualified male athletes aged 22.6 ± 2.8 years, who are representatives of acyclic sports. The experience of sports was 10.3 ± 3.1 years. In combination with other research methods, a survey was conducted. The questionnaire included 4 blocks of questions, one of which characterized the attitude of athletes to recovery procedures. Results: it is shown that during recovery athletes prefer saunas (46% - periodically and 23.3% - often), water treatments (41.6% - periodically and 22.3% - often) and massage (45.5% - periodically and 9.9% - often). Very rarely, athletes use kinesiotherapy (15.9%) and restorative self-training (9.9%). Positive attitude to the use of means of recovery is associated with the age of athletes (r = 0.231, p = 0.020) and their experience (r = 0.294, p = 0.003). Athletes with impaired performance, a feeling of increased excitability, shallow sleep, a feeling of heaviness in the working muscles are prone to using the sauna. The use of massage is preferred by athletes with a feeling of increased excitability, apathy, mood swings and a feeling of fatigue the morning after training. Conclusion: The survey showed an understanding of the lack of organization of the recovery process, when active means of recovery are insufficiently used, despite the fact that they have significant opportunities to prevent the development of overstrain and overtraining.
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