Autor: Podplota Svitlana, Zhorniak Andrii
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
ISSN: 1052-5629
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7489394
Popis: Art plays an important role in the creative development of the individual. Art in the learning process creates opportunities for harmonizing the emotional and logical components of students’ activities and realizing their creative potential. Art education is a complex-integrated process aimed at realizing the motives, and needs of professional activity, aesthetic perception, and understanding of beauty, which involves the possession of aesthetic knowledge, abilities, skills, the formation of aesthetic judgments, feelings, values, ideals, behavior, certain creative experience and allows successful to carry out professional activities in one or another field. Adherence to certain principles, namely: awareness, dialectical unity, optimality of theory and practice, self-development, reflection, the optimal combination of individual and collective forms of educational and creative activity, and belief in one’s strengths and opportunities in the organization of education allows one to develop students’ creative abilities. Art education is a continuous process. It lasts throughout a person’s life, thanks to which the contradictions between the level of the aesthetic culture of humanity and a certain culture of an individual personality in each period of life are resolved. At the current stage of society’s development, professional education needs specialists who not only possess knowledge, abilities, and skills, but are also able to show creative activity and initiative under new, changing conditions.
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