Additional file 1 of Energy landscapes of Kodiak brown bears: a comparison of accelerometer and global positioning system-derived estimates

Autor: Finnegan, S. P., Pagano, A. M., Svoboda, N. J., Schooler, S. L., Belant, J. L.
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22611229
Popis: Additional file 1: Table S1. List of 11 a priori models and a null model to assess the influence of internal (reproductive status, age and movement rate), spatial (Terrain roughness, distance from nearest salmon spawning streams), and temporal (food abundance period and temperature) factors on brown bear GPS-derived movement-based energetic expenditure, on the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska, USA, September 2019–November 2020. Table S2. Average hourly energetic expenditure (J kg−1 m−1) from global position system (GPS) and accelerometer (ACC)-derived estimates for eight brown bears (F = female, FY = female with young, M = male) on the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska, USA, September 2019–November 2020. (N = number of hourly locations).
Databáze: OpenAIRE