Seismic performance of RC high-rise buildings – a case study of 44 storey structure in Skopje (Macedonia)

Autor: Julijana Bojadjieva, Roberta Apostolska, Jordan Bojadjiev, Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Tehnički vjesnik
Volume 23
Issue 4
ISSN: 1848-6339
DOI: 10.17559/tv-20150312110020
Popis: Visoke su zgrade projektirane i izgrađene primjenom suvremenih materijala i integralnih konstrukcijskih sustava koji nisu uobičajeni za tipične zgrade. Postojeći seizmički propisi su ograničavajući faktor i ne pokrivaju specifično ponašanje tih građevina. Uzimajući u obzir povećanje broja takvih konstrukcija u svijetu, potrebna su dodatna istraživanja, naročito u seizmički aktivnim područjima. Potrebno je izraditi službena pravila kojima će se jasno odrediti metode, postupci i kriteriji za analizu i projektiranje zgrada tog tipa. Glavni je cilj ovoga rada dati pregled postojećih konstrukcijskih sustava, preporuke za projektiranje i smjernice za visoke zgrade širom svijeta, kao i odabrane rezultate seizmičkog ponašanja zgrade od armiranog betona sa 44 kata što predstavlja jedinstveno iskustvo nastalo projektiranjem i izgradnjom četiriju visokih zgrada u Skopju (Makedonija).
High-rise buildings are designed and constructed by use of modern materials and integral structural systems which are not usual for typical buildings. The existing seismic regulations act as a limiting factor and cannot cover specific behaviour of these buildings. Considering the increasing trend in their construction worldwide, additional investigations are necessary, particularly for structures in seismically active areas. It is necessary to elaborate official codes which will clearly prescribe methods, procedures and criteria for analysis and design of such type of structures. The main goal of the paper is to present a review of the existing structural systems, design recommendations and guidelines for high-rises worldwide, as well as selected results from seismic performance of 44 stories RC high-rise building which is a unique experience coming from design and construction of the four high-rise buildings in Skopje (Macedonia).
Databáze: OpenAIRE