Surgical Treatment of Local Prosthetic Graft Infection with Fresh Arterial Homograft: Report of Four Cases

Autor: P. Szyber, A. Pupka, G. Kaluża, Skóra J
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: EJVES Extra. 7(6):81-83
ISSN: 1533-3167
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejvsextra.2004.05.004
Popis: Infection following vascular operations, particularly after synthetic prosthetic graft implantation, remains a serious complication of reconstructive vascular surgery. In this paper, four cases of bifurcated graft infection limited to the distal part of one of the branches are presented. Because of the unsatisfactory results of conventional treatment, the patients underwent in situ replacement of the infected distal part of the prosthesis branch with fresh arterial homograft. Follow-up revealed complete remission of infection. The use of arterial homograft can be limited to the replacement of infected segment of prosthesis.
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