Aleuroclava carpini Takahashi 1939

Autor: Wang, Ji-Rui, Du, Yu-Zhou
Rok vydání: 2016
ISSN: 0030-5316
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6085871
Popis: 3 Aleuroclava carpini (Takahashi, 1939) [Taiwanaleyrodes] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1939), syntypes from Carpinus sp in TARI. We collected some specimen in mainland China. Collected from Hubei Province on Lindera communis and Liquidambar formosana. Specimens deposited in YZU. 4 Aleuroclava elatostemae (Takahashi, 1932) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1932), Holotype from Elatostema sp. in TARI. 5 Aleuroclava ficicola (Takahashi, 1932) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1932), syntypes from Ficus sp. in TARI. Also we collected 3 puparia from Kaihua, Zhejiang on Morus alba. Specimens deposited in YZU. 6 Aleuroclava gordoniae (Takahashi, 1932) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1932), syntypes from Photinia [= Pourthiaea] bethamiana, Gordonia anomala and other plants in TARI. We collected some specimens from Huaian, Jiangsu Province on Morus alba; collected from Guangxi Province on Skimmia reevesiana, Ficus heteromorpha, Rubia cordifolia, Viburnum odoratissinum; collected from Wuyi Mountain, Fujian on an unidentified plant. Specimens deposited in YZU. 7 Aleuroclava guyavae (Takahashi, 1932) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1932), syntypes from Psidium guajava in TARI. We collected some specimens from Guangxi Province on Persea americana; from Yangzhou Slender West Lake, Jiangsu Province on Lagerstroemia indica; from Fujian Province on Camellia sinensis. Specimens deposited in YZU. 8 Aleuroclava indicus (Singh, 1931) [Aleurothrixus] Reported from Hong Kong by Takahashi (1941) but no known voucher material. HK vouchers in BMNH from Ficus hispida at The Peak and Litsea monopetala (also a slide in Plant and Pesticides Regulatory Division, Kowloon) at Fung Yuen village (New Territories). Also from Hainan on Persea americana (Martin & Lau, 2011) 9 Aleuroclava jasmini (Takahashi, 1932) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1932), syntypes from Jasminum sp. in TARI. We collected some specimens from Guangxi Province on Jasminum sambac and from Guangdong Province on Murraya exotica. Specimen deposited in YZU. 10 Aleuroclava kuwanai (Takahashi, 1934) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1934), syntypes from Murraya sp. in TARI. 11 Aleuroclava lagerstroemiae (Takahashi, 1934) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1934), lectotype (Chiun-Cheng Ko designated) from Lagerstroemia indica in TARI. 12 Aleuroclava latus (Takahashi, 1934) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1934), syntypes from Neolitsea acuminatissima and Cinnamonum randaiense in TARI. We also collected this species from Daming Mountain, Guangxi Province on Uvaria macrophylla. Specimens deposited in YZU. 13 Aleuroclava lefroyi (Sundararaj & David, 1993) [Martiniella], new record for China We collected this species from Wuzhi Mountain, Hainan Province on unidentified plant. Specimens deposited in YZU. 14 Aleuroclava lithocarpi (Takahashi, 1934) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1934), syntypes from Lithocarpus uraiana in TARI. 15 Aleuroclava longispinus (Takahashi, 1934) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1934), syntypes from undetermined shrub in TARI. 16 Aleuroclava malloti (Takahashi, 1932) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1932), syntypes from Mallotus sp. in TARI. 17 Aleuroclava manii (David, 1978) [Aleurotuberculatus] new record for China We collected this species from Daming Mountain, Guangxi Province on unidentified plant of Fagaceae. Specimens deposited in YZU. 18 Aleuroclava melastomae (Takahashi, 1934) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1934), syntypes from Melastoma candidum in TARI. We also collected this species from Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province on Liquidambar formosana and from Hubei Province on Styrax japonicus. Specimens deposited in YZU. 19 Aleuroclava meliosmae (Takahashi, 1932) [Taiwanaleyrodes] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1932), syntypes from Meliosma rhoifolia and other plants in TARI. We collected many samples from Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province on Aralia chinensis; collected from Hubei Province on Liquidambar formosana, Sinojackia xylocarpa, Magnolia zenii, Manglietia insignis. Specimens deposited in YZU. 20 Aleuroclava montanus (Takahashi, 1939) [Taiwanaleyrodes] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1939), syntypes from Lauraceae, deposited location unknown. Two samples collected from Shanghai on Magnolia grandiflora deposited in YZU. 21 Aleuroclava multipori (Takahashi, 1935) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1935), syntypes from Oreocnide pedunculata in TARI. 22 Aleuroclava murrayae (Singh, 1931) [Aleurotrachelus] Reported from Taiwan by Takahashi (1934), his vouchers in TARI from Helicia formosana. A few samples from Hainan Province on Persea americana deposited in Hainan University. 23 Aleuroclava neolitseae (Takahashi, 1934) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1934), syntypes from Neolitsea acuminatissima in TARI. A few samples collected from Guangxi Province on unidentified plant deposited in YZU. 24 Aleuroclava piperis (Takahashi, 1935) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1935), syntypes from Piper sp. in TARI. 25 Aleuroclava psidii (Singh, 1931) [Aleurotrachelus] Reported from Taiwan by Takahashi (1932), his voucher material located in TARI. This species is very common in mainland China, distributed in many provinces and the host plants are widely distributed. Many samples deposited in YZU. 26 Aleuroclava pyracanthae (Takahashi, 1933) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1933), syntypes from Pyracantha koidzumii in TARI. 27 Aleuroclava rhododendri (Takahashi, 1935) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1935), syntypes from Rhododendron sp. in TARI. This species is very common on Rhododendron simsii and it may be infesting the plants of Rhododendron only. We collected many samples from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan Province on Rhododendron simsii. Specimens deposited in YZU. 28 Aleuroclava rosae Wang & Du, sp. nov. We collected this new species from Maoer Mountain, Guangxi Province, China on Stranvaesia sp. Holotype deposited in YZU. 29 Aleuroclava similis (Takahashi, 1938) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described by Takahashi (1938), syntypes from Japan on lex crenata, I. peduculosa and Pieris japonicum. Reported from China by Evans (2008) but no known vouchers and we did not find the record of this species in China. We collected some samples from Zhejiang Province on Hydrangea chinensis and Philadelphus sp. Specimens deposited in YZU. 30 Aleuroclava sterculiae Wang & Du, sp. nov. We collected this new species from Qingxiu hill park, Nanning, Guangxi Province, China on Sterculia nobilis. Holotype deposited in YZU. 31 Aleuroclava subindica Martin & Mound 2007 Reported from Hong Kong by Martin & Lau (2011). A single HK specimen in BMNH, from Citrus sp. at Fung Yuen village (Martin & Lau, 2011) 32 Aleuroclava takahashii (David & Subramaniam, 1976) [Aleurotuberculatus] Reported from Jiangxi, China by Chou & Yan (1988), voucher material located in Henan Agriculture University. Also we collected many samples from Hubei Province on Castanopsis sclerophylla; from Guangxi Province on Litsea pseudoelongata; and from Zhejiang Province on Castanopsis sclerophylla. And we found it is very common on Castanopsis sclerophylla in Zhejiang Province. 33 Aleuroclava thysanospermi (Takahashi, 1934) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1934), Holotype from Thysanospermum diffisum in TARI. This species is very common on the tea plants in mainland China. We collected many samples from Zhejiang, Hubei, Fujian, Hainan and Jiangxi Province on Camellia sinensis. Specimens deposited in YZU. 34 Aleuroclava trachelospermi (Takahashi, 1938) [Aleurotuberculatus] This species was described from Japan and Zhen-De Yang collected this species from Nerium indicum in Taiwan in 1968, but the specimen was destroyed and unverifiable (Chiun-Cheng Ko, pers. comm.). 35 Aleuroclava tripori (Dubey & Sundararaj, 2006) [Taiwanaleyrodes] Reported from Hainan, China by Zhu & Fu (2013), their voucher material located in Hainan University. 36 Aleuroclava uraianus (Takahashi, 1932) [Aleurotuberculatus] Described from Taiwan by Takahashi (1932), syntypes from Clerodendrum sp. in TARI. 37 Aleuroclava tianmuensis Wang & Dubey, 2014 Described from Zhejiang, China by Wang et al. (2014), Holotype from Daphniphyllum macropodum in YZU.
Published as part of Wang, Ji-Rui & Du, Yu-Zhou, 2016, Contribution to our knowledge of the whitefly genus Aleuroclava Singh (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in China, including Taiwan and Hong Kong, with descriptions of two new species, pp. 332-348 in Zootaxa 4138 (2) on pages 345-347, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4138.2.6,
{"references":["Takahashi, R. (1939) Notes on the Aleyrodidae of Japan (Homoptera) VII. Kontyu, 13, 76 - 81.","Takahashi, R. (1932) Aleyrodidae of Formosa, Part I. Report. Department of Agriculture. Government Research Institute, Formosa, 59, 1 - 57.","Singh, K. (1931) A contribution towards our knowledge of the Aleyrodidae (Whiteflies) of India. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India, Entomological Series, 12, 1 - 98.","Takahashi, R. (1941) Some foreign Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera) III. Species from Hong Kong and Mauritius. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 31, 351 - 357.","Martin, J. H. & Lau, S. K. (2011) The Hemiptera-Sternorrhyncha (Insecta) of Hong Kong, China-an annotated inventory citing voucher specimens and published records. Zootaxa, 2847, 1 - 122.","Takahashi, R. (1934) Aleyrodidae of Formosa, Part III. Report. Department of Agriculture. Government Research Institute. Formosa, 63, 39 - 71.","Sundararaj, R. & David, B. V. (1993) First record of the whitefly genus Martiniella Alexander [= Jesudasan] & David (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India. Entomon, 18, 95 - 99.","David, B. V. (1978) On a new species of Aleurotuberculatus (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from India with a key to Indian species. Oriental Insects, 12, 133 - 135. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00305316.1978.10434562","Takahashi, R. (1935) Aleyrodidae of Formosa, Part IV. Report. Department of Agriculture. Government Research Institute. Formosa, 66, 39 - 65.","Takahashi, R. (1933) Aleyrodidae of Formosa, Part II. Report. Department of Agriculture. Government Research Institute. Formosa, 60, 1 - 24.","Takahashi, R. (1938) Notes on the Aleyrodidae of Japan (Homoptera) VI. Kontyu, 12, 70 - 74.","Evans, G. A. (2008) The whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) of the world and their host plants and natural enemies. Version 0 70606. Available from: http: // keys. lucidcentral. org / keys / v 3 / whitefly / PDF _ PwP % 20 ETC / world-whitefly-catalog- Evans. pdf (accessed 13 June 2016)","Martin, J. H. & Mound, L. A. (2007) An annotated checklist of world's whiteflies (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Zootaxa, 1492, 1 - 84.","David, B. V. & Subramaniam, T. R. (1976) Studies on some Indian Aleyrodidae. Record of the Zoological Survey of India, 70, 133 - 233.","Chou, I & Yan, F. (1988) New species and new records of Aleyrodidae (Homoptera) from China. Entomotaxonomia, 10, 243 - 246.","Dubey, A. K. & Sundararaj, R. (2006) A new whitefly species of the Genus Taiwanaleyrodes Takahashi (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from Western Ghats of South India. Entomon, 31, 73 - 76.","Zhu, W. J. & Fu, Y. G. (2013) The Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha) of Hainan Island, China. Zoological Systematics, 38 (3), 647 - 656.","Wang, J. R., Dubey, A. K. & Du, Y. Z. (2014) Description of a new species of Aleuroclava Singh (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from China. Florida Entomologist, 97 (2), 685 - 691. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1653 / 024.097.0248"]}
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