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RESUMEN: Se presentan y comparan entre sí procesos o secuencias evolutivas que se reconocen en diferentes disciplinas fácticas. Un modelo generalizado intenta reunir y focalizar el estudio comparado entre el desarrollo genético (nivel biomolecular), la embriogénesis (nivel biológico) y la psicogénesis (nivel psicológico). Se buscan caracteres adecuados que permitan reconocer, por medio de sus diferentes estados, las interdependencias entre los diferentes niveles de organización. La sucesión de los estados que se correlacionan debe respetar una dirección obligada para permitir el normal desenvolvimiento de los procesos teleonómicos respectivos. El modelo compartido entre procesos geológicos y secuencias paleobiogeográficas es analizado para evaluar posibilidades y limitaciones en la formulación de conexiones y predicciones relacionadas con la evolución que se da en cada campo. Se redefine la noción de homología procedente del campo de la biologia. Se analiza su posible aplicación en el desarrollo de la hipótesis que cree reconocer en el “mundo” de la Biología un “puente” entre los “mundos” del fisicalismo y aquellos de la conciencia y los fenómenos socioculturales. Palabras clave: Filosofía de la Ciencia; Historia de la Ciencia; reduccionismo; homología; analogía. Comparing evolutionary processes in different fields of the factual disciplines: isomorphisms or necessary interdependencies? Abstract: Comparing evolutionary processes in different fields of the factual disciplines: isomorphisms or necessary interdependencies? This paper deals with interrelations among different fields of the factual disciplines. A generalized model of teleonomic processes, observed at different levels, is proposed. It includes genetic development (at the bio-molecular level) in comparison with embryogenesis (at the biological level) and psycogenesis (at the psychological level). The search for features in common between three levels, including their respective states of development, is emphasized. The recognition of these characters and their states allows for comparison between the three levels and, particularly, the recognition of a common process involved. These data are relevant when deciding whether the similarities between the three levels represent convergences or if they are instead cases of unavoidable homology. In addition, cases from the fossil record exhibiting interdependencies between the respective patterns of evolution and geographical change, are considered. These cases allow for the anticipation of as well as limited predictions about the course of the evolutionary change. An amendment to the notion of homology, taken from comparative anatomy, is proposed. This revised definition of homology attempts to broaden the meaning of the term in order to apply it in the search of links between different levels of knowledge organization. In the present contribution the role of Biology as a bridge between the physical and the socio-cultural realms is emphasized. Keywords: Philosophy of Science; History of Science; reductionism; homology, and analogy. |