Fetal brain damage in the rat following prenatal exposure to cocaine

Autor: Patricia D. C. Brown-Woodman, Helen E. Ritchie, W. S. Webster, Anthony Lipson
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Neurotoxicology and teratology. 13(6)
ISSN: 0892-0362
Popis: The aim of this study was to identify fetal brain damage induced by 1) prenatal cocaine exposure or 2) physical procedures causing temporary constriction or occlusion of the uterine vessels in pregnant rats. Brains were examined from rat fetuses killed 48 hours after the dam was given one or more intraperitoneal doses of cocaine (50-70 mg/kg) on day 16 of gestation. Only brains from fetuses with hemorrhage in the extremities were examined, as this indicated they had undergone a circulatory disturbance. Four of the 10 brains examined showed bilateral necrosis and cavitation in the cerebral cortex. There were also hemorrhage and ectopic outgrowths in the corpus striatum, bilateral cavitation in the brainstem and vacuolization in the lens of the eye. A similar type and distribution of damage was seen in rat fetal brains from dams treated by temporary occlusion of the uterine vessels or direct handling of the pregnant uterus on day 16 of gestation and examined 48 hours later. It is proposed that the procedures act through the common mechanism of constriction/occlusion of the uterine vessels. The damage to the fetuses appears to be due to hemorrhage from the fetal vessels and ischemia. These findings are discussed in relation to cocaine use during human pregnancy.
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