Antiretroviral treatment among students of tertiary institutions in Ilorin; Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practice

Autor: IS Abdulraheem, Daniel Abubakar, MJ Saka, AO Olarinoye, OO Agbede, Gas Salaudeen, A.A.G. Jimoh, Rakiya Saidu, O R Balogun
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Nigerian Medical Practitioner; Vol 53, No 6 (2008); 94-98
ISSN: 0189-0964
Popis: Summary Awareness on the existence ofHIVIAIDS is Iligh in Nigeria, thesamecannot apply for tile use ofantiretroviral drugs for tile treatment ofinfected individuals. The study was done to assess the knowledge and attitudes ofpost secondary schoolsstudents on HIVIAIDSand use ofantiretroviraIin thetreatment ofHIV/AIDS. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional questionnaire survey conducted among students in post secondary schools in lIorin, Kwara State between August and December 2005. Stratified sampling techniques was used to randomly select 350 students in post secondary schools in florin. Knowledge about HI VIAIDS is good but knowledge about ARVs is poor. Only 30% of respondents knew people on AR Vs while 42.9% knew AR Vs could reduce materno-fetal transmission of HIV/AIDS. Maioritv (65.8%) did not know how safe the AR Vs were while 60% felt the drugs were not affordable and avaifabfe(30.5%). However, 80% will take the drugs ifthey were HIV positive even though only 7.6% felt the drugs were very effective on those who had used them compared to 8.5% perceived effectiveness for traditional treatment for HIV/AIDS. Maiorit» opinion favoured collective contribution to funding of ARVs involving tile government, NGOs, Aid agencies, religious bodies, [amilv members and the community. TIre educational level did not affect tile knowledge concerning tile screening metluJ(l(p=O. 72), cure ofHIV(p=O.50), awareness afARVs(p=0.55) but sltowed significant correlation on hospital treatment(p=O.05) ami drug monitoring at llOme(p=O.03). There is a wide gap waiting to be fil/ell in the knowledge and attitudes ofthe tertiary students on use Of ARVs. Malorit» opinion favoured joint funding ofA R Vs by all stakeboklers including family members. Concernedefforts should be made to ascertain the level ofknowledge ofARVs in tile general population. Systematic and wkolistlc approach to tire introduction of ARV is canvassed as opposed to the selective application of -1RV as presently practiced.
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